Pinus wallichiana
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Pinus wallichiana - Wikipedia. Pinus wallichiana is a coniferous evergreen tree native to the Himalaya, Karakoram and Hindu Kush mountains, from eastern Afghanistan east across northern Pakistan and north west India to Yunnan in southwest China. It grows in mountain valleys at altitudes of 1800-4300 m (rarely as low as 1200 m), reaching 30-50 m (98-164 ft) in height.. Himalájai Selyemfenyő (Pinus wallichiana) gondozása, szaporítása. Himalájai Selyemfenyő (Pinus wallichiana) gondozása, szaporítása Himalájai Selyemfenyő (Pinus wallichiana) A himalájai selyemfenyő természetes élőhelye Kelet-Afganisztántól egészen Észak-Burmáig terjed, ahol elsősorban az alacsonyabb hegyvidékek jellegzetes fája.. Himalájai selyemfenyő - Wikipédia. A himalájai selyemfenyő (Pinus wallichiana) a fenyőfélék családjának névadó tűnyalábos fenyő (Pinus) nemzetségében a selyemfenyők Strobus alnemzetség egyik faja. Európában gyakran ültetik parkokba, és néha erdészetileg is telepítik.. Himalájai selyemfenyő (Pinus wallichiana) gondozása. A himalájai selyemfenyő (Pinus wallichiana) bemutatása, gondozása A himalájai selyemfenyő (Pinus wallichiana) gyors növekedésű, laza lombkoronájú örökzöld fa. Látványos külseje miatt gyakran ültetik parkokba szoliter növényként. Nagy térigényű, széles lombkoronájú örökzöld, ezért csak akkor ültessük, ha elég nagy kerttel rendelkezünk.. Pinus wallichiana, Himalájai selyemfenyő - Ökoplant. Megjelenése elvitathatatlanul az egyik legszebb fenyő fajtává teszi. Kifejlett korában várhatóan 10-15 méter magas, melyet viszonylag gyorsan ér el, évente akár 60-80 cm-es hajtásnövekedést is produkál. Igen jó alkalmazkodó képességű fajta. Bírja a téli hideget egészen -40 °C-ig. Tűlevelek: Kékes-hamvas, ezüstös .. Pinus wallichiana - Himalájai selyemfenyő. A Pinus wallichiana - Himalájai selyemfenyő főbb jellemzői. megjelenése elvitathatatlanul az egyik legszebb fenyő fajtává teszi. fő díszítő értékét a hosszú, szürkészöld, 10-15 cm hosszú tűlevelek képzik, melyek kezdetben felfelé állnak, majd később lágyan lecsüngenek, ami finom textúrát ad a lombozatnak. tobozai .. Pinus wallichiana - himalájai selyemfenyő | Florapont. A Pinus wallichiana - himalájai selyemfenyő az egyik legszebb fenyőfajta, 10-15 cm hosszú tűveleivel díszít, amik kezdetben felfelé állnak, majd később lágyan lecsüngenek
tiszakécske köpönyeg
. Alak: K ifejlett korában várhatóan 20-30 méter magas, melyet viszonylag gyorsan ér el: évente akár 60-80 cm-es hajtásnövekedést is produkál.. Pinus wallichiana | Himalayan pine, Bhutan pine, Blue pine - Van den .. Pinus wallichiana is átlagos and can eventually reach a height of 15 - 30 (50) m, depending on the site and climate conditions. When should Pinus wallichiana trees be planted? The right time to plant Pinus wallichiana is during the dormancy period.. Himalájai selyemfenyő - Pinus wallichiana - Treemail. A Pinus wallichiana (Himalájai selyemfenyő) az egyik legszebb fenyő! Lombja lágy, selymes, tűi hosszúak, lehajlók. Gyorsan nő, az erősen szeles helyek kivételével mindenütt szépen fejlődik. Nagy méretű tobozai is igen mutatósak. Származási helyének éghajlata a meleg-temperált.. Pinus wallichiana | Bhutan pine Conifers/RHS Gardening. Pinus wallichiana. Bhutan pine. P. wallichiana is a large broad-crowned evergreen tree retaining its spreading lower branches when grown in an open position. Long, slender, drooping blue-grey needles and banana-shaped cones up to 25cm long.. Pinus wallichiana (Wall. ex. D.Don) A.B.Jacks. - World Flora Online. Bark grey, scaly. Branches whorled
Leaves acicular, in clusters of 5, 10-20 cm long, bluish to grey-green. Male cones 1-1.5 cm long, in dense clusters. Female cones 2-3 at the tips of branches, 15-30 cm long, elongated, dropping, + woody; megasporophyll broadly obvate, tip not beaked. Wing 2-3 times as long as the seed.. Pinus wallichiana Himalayan Blue Pine, Bhutan pine, Himalayan Pine PFAF .. Pinus wallichiana is an evergreen Tree growing to 25 m (82ft) by 10 m (32ft) at a fast ratehajdúböszörmény halottak
. See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 8. It is in leaf all year, in flower from May to June, and the seeds ripen from September to October.. Pinus wallichiana (Bhutan Pine) - Gardenia. Regarded by some as the most beautiful pine species, Pinus wallichiana (Bhutan Pine) is an elegant evergreen conifer of broad-pyramidal habit with horizontal lower branches and slightly ascending upper branches. Old specimens usually retain their lower branches.. Pinus wallichiana (blue pine) | CABI Compendium. This datasheet on Pinus wallichiana covers Identity, Overview, Associated Diseases, Pests or Pathogens, Distribution, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Uses, Management, Genetics and Breeding, Economics, Further Information.. Selyemfenyő - Pinus wallichiana - Selyemfenyő - Pinus wallichiana. Egy különleges díszfa. 20 méter magas, keskeny kúpos koronájú fa. Széles, hengeres toboza 15-30 cm hosszú. Öttűs tűi Bővebben.. Pinus wallichiana - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden. Pinus wallichiana, commonly called Himalayan pine or Himalayan white pine, is a medium to tall pyramidal conifer that is native to foothills in the Himalayas from eastern Afghanistan to northern Burma primarily at elevations ranging from 6,000 to 12,000 feet.. Pinus wallichiana (Bhutan pine) description - Pinus wallichiana. A.B. Jackson 1938. Common names. Bhutan pine, Himalayan white pine (Farjon 1984). Taxonomic notes. Syn: P. excelsa Wall.; P. griffithii McClelland; P. chylla Lodd. (Farjon 1984). For discussion of systematics relative to other species in subsection Strobus, see Phylogeny of East Asian white pines. Description. Pinus wallichiana - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. Learn about Pinus wallichiana, an evergreen tree with a broad base and horizontal lower branches, native to the Himalayas. Find out its cultivars, dimensions, wildlife value, and cultural conditions.. Pinus wallichiana - The Himalayan Pine | Happy Botanist. Pinus wallichiana. This variety of pine is native to India, Bhutan, Nepal, northern Pakistan
planthé hyaluron szérum vélemények
. These trees are found in a wide range of areas from eastern Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and towards Yunnan in South west China. Pinus wallichiana is called as Bhutan Pine or Himalayan Blue Pine.. Pinus wallichiana | Landscape Plants | Oregon State University. Learn about Pinus wallichiana, a conifer native to the Himalayas, with needles that are more or less droopy and resinous cones. Find out its hardiness, cultivar, and landscape uses at Oregon State University.. - Himalájai selyemfenyő. Himalájai selyemfenyő. Pinus wallichiana. Cikkszám: NVAPWALX/300150X3. Kategória: Fenyők. Ára: 21,000 Ft Összehasonlítás. Eladási méret: 80/100 cm. Elérhető: Raktáron. Adatlap.. Pinus wallichiana - Trees and Shrubs Online. A remarkably multi-stemmed Pinus wallichiana 35 m tall at Rheola House, Glamorgan, UK. This tree has flourished despite a history of extreme industrial air pollution and (in the winter before this photograph was taken in May 2018) easterly gales cold enough to defoliate many other hardy conifers.
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. Pinus wallichiana - Useful Temperate Plants - The Ferns. General Information. Pinus wallichiana is an evergreen tree with a broadly pyramidal crown; it usually grows up to 50 metres tall but can reach 70 metres, The straight, cylindrical bole can be 100cm or more in diameter [ , , ]. The tree has a range of traditional uses as a food, medicine and source of materials.. Pinus (pine) description - The Gymnosperm Database - The pine genus is the largest in the Pinophyta, with 119 species treated here. Pinus is one of the oldest extant conifer genera. The oldest pine known is Pinus mundayi, a 2-needle pine described from fossil charcoal of the lower Cretaceous (ca. 133-140 Ma) Chaswood Formation of Nova Scotia, Canada (Falcon-Lang et al. 2016); the charcoal occurrence of this fossil is interesting, as it .. How to Grow Pinus Wallichiana - Plant Care & Tips. Pinus wallichiana, also known as blue pine, is a species of pine native to the Himalayas. It grows at altitudes of 1,500-3,500 m, often on north-facing slopes. The tree typically reaches 30-40 m in height and 5-2 m in girth.. Quantifying: Genetic Traits in Pinus wallichiana Seedlings in the .. Pinus wallichiana, commonly known as the Himalayan blue pine, holds significant ecological and economic importance in the northwestern Himalayan region. Understanding the genetic traits and .. PDF Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jacks - World Agroforestry Centre. Pinus wallichiana is a tree to 50 m tall with straight trunk and short, down-curved branches. Branches longer in solitary trees, creating a dome-like crown. Bark on young trees smooth, becoming fissured with age. Branches in regularly spaced whorls, smooth. Young shoots glaucous,. (PDF) Comparative Wood Anatomy in Pinaceae with . - ResearchGate. The wood anatomy of 132 species of the genera Abies, Cathaya, Cedrus, Keteleeria, Larix, Nothotsuga, Picea, Pinus, Pseudolarix, Pseudotsuga and Tsuga was studied to determine the elements that .. Pinus wallichiana &Nana& | Bhutan pine &Nana& Conifers/RHS Gardening. Habit. Bushy. Genus. Pinus can be shrubs or large, evergreen trees, some species with attractive bark, developing an irregular outline with age and bearing long needle-like leaves in bundles of 2, 3 or 5; conspicuous cones may fall or remain on the tree for years. Name status.. Pinus wallichiana Nana|Bhutan pine Nana/RHS Gardening. Native to the UK. No. Foliage. Evergreen. Habit. Bushy. Genus
légnyomás előrejelzés
. Pinus can be shrubs or large, evergreen trees, some species with attractive bark, developing an irregular outline with age and bearing long needle-like leaves in bundles of 2, 3 or 5; conspicuous cones may fall or remain on the tree for years. Name status.. Pinus wallichiana (Pinus griffithii) - Pinus wallichiana (Pinus griffithii)himalájská borovice. Borovice jsou nádherné stromy, které najdete v širokém pásmu klimatu - od chladných severských zemí, až po rozpálené přímořské pláně. Bylo vyšlechtěno mnoho odrůd, přesto nejkrásnější jsou divoce rostoucí borové hvozdy, kterým nikdo neurčoval místo ani .. Himalayan Pine, Butan Pine - Daves Garden. Himalayan White Pine is a lovely large conifer that is similar to the Eastern White Pine that I know so well in eastern North America. Th . I bought a metre high Pinus wallichiana online in July, and it is settling in well just 100 metres from the west cliff on Portland, .. Ectomycorrhizal status of Pinus wallichiana (blue pine) growing in .. PDF | On Feb 15, 2022, Muhammad Hanif and others published Ectomycorrhizal status of Pinus wallichiana (blue pine) growing in Himalayan moist temperate forests of Pakistan | Find, read and cite .. Pinus wallichiana, Himalayan White Pine - IUCN Red List. Pinus wallichiana grows in the Himalayas in the valleys and foothills, to a maximum altitude of 2,700 m, but in Bhutan it reaches 3,400 m a.s.l. Sometimes it forms pure stands or forests, in other places it appears as an important forest component mixed with broad-leaved trees, e.g. species of the genera. Pacific NorthWest Propagators Inc. - PINUS. Pinus wallichiana Glauca Zone 5 Himalayan Pine. Needles more intense blue than the species. Grows to 3.5m high and 2m wide in 10 years. Pinus wallichiana Nana Zone 5 Himalayan Pine. Dwarf, broad pyramidal shrub. Full branching with long, soft gray-green needles that droop with age giving a feathered cloud-like appearance.. Himalayan Pine, Butan Pine Nana - Daves Garden. Himalayan Pine, Butan Pine Nana Pinus wallichiana
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. Upload Image Print Version Upload Image Print Version Family Pinaceae (py-NAY-see-ee) Info. Genus Pinus (PY-nus .. Pinus wallichiana - Bluebell Arboretum & Nursery. An elegant large tree, Pinus wallichiana has beautiful, soft, blue, five-needled leaves and once established, banana-shaped cones up to 25 cm in length. The bark is smooth and grey coloured on young trees, becoming darker and cracked as the tree matures. We find that Pinus wallichiana establishes best when planted as a young specimen.It can be a little slow growing in the first year but the .
Studies of Phytochemicals, Antioxidant, and Antibacterial Activities of .. 1. Introduction. Pine trees are one of the most common and widely grown species in the Himalayan region. Categorized under the Pinus genus and Pinaceae family, they are the largest conifers families in the world and always remain evergreen woody conifer trees [].In the Himalayan region (HR), five species of pine are considered indigenous, distributed at different elevation such as Pinus .. Trees of the Trans-Himalaya: first report of Pinus wallichiana A. B .. Documenting distribution records of biodiversity at regional scale plays a pivotal role in bridging the Wallacean shortfall in global knowledge on biodiversityjófogás desigual
. Here, we reported the first distribution record of a tree species, Pinus wallichiana A
korfu hírek
. B. Jackson to the flora of Ladakh - a remote region in Indian Trans-Himalaya. The tree species grows wild in the interior mountain valley of .. PDF Climate Signal in Tree-ring Width Chronologies of Pinus Wallichiana .. In the study area, Pinus wallichiana one of the most dominant species at upper timberline, reaching age up to 700-years old was selected for the dendroclimatological study in the Karakoram region .. マツワリキアナ Pinus Wallichiana - Academic Accelerator
jófogás eladó lovak
. 最新の マツワリキアナ Pinus Wallichiana 科学ニュース、研究レビュー、学術記事。 Academic Accelerator による最も完全な百科事典。. Life Cycle of Pinus: An Overview - BYJUS. Pinus Life Cycle. Pinus is divided into the following species based on their number and types of leaves: . Pinus wallichiana; Pinus roxburghii; Pinus khasya royle; Pinus gerardiana; Sporophyte of the Pinus. Pinus plants are tall trees with excurrent branching that is characterised by fascicles of thin, needle-like, evergreen foliage leaves. The primary stem is thick, cylindrical, bearing .. Pinus Wallichiana - Pinus Wallichiana este un conifer elegant, vesnic verde, cu o coroana larga, piramidala, originar din Himalaya, din familia Pinaceae, denumit in mod obisnuit Pin himalayan sau Pin alb himalayan.Este considerat a fi cea mai frumoasa specie de pin, mai este intanit si sub denumirea de Pinus Griffithii sau Pinus Excelsa.Numele speciei il onoreaza pe doctorul Nathaniel Wallich, un danez care si-a .. Pinus gerardiana Wallichex. D. Don. -A review - ScienceDirect. Method. This article reviews detailed information of Pinus gerardiana Wallich ex. D. Don. Pharmacgnosy, Chemical information rlated to the isolated molecules from different extracts, pharmacological applications, Ethnomedicinal applications such as health benefits of plant, nutraceutical value of the seed, were reported till date. Articles for the citations were acquired all the way through a .. Pinus dalatensis (Thông Dà) description - The Gymnosperm Database. Its wood properties are similar to those of Pinus wallichiana, a native of the Himalayas, and other white pines (Farjon 2010). Observations. The main populations in Kon Tum, Dac Lac, Lam Dong and Ninh Thuan are all within recently declared national parks and nature reserves; these would seem to be logical places to seek it (Hiep et al. 2004).. Pinus wallichiana|Bhutan pine/RHS Gardening. Pinus wallichiana. Bhutan pine. P. wallichiana is a large broad-crowned evergreen tree retaining its spreading lower branches when grown in an open position. Long, slender, drooping blue-grey needles and banana-shaped cones up to 25cm long.. Litter Fall Production and Decomposition in Deodar Forest Ecosystem. while the Pinus wallichiana was estimated 4.6097t/ha/annum. It showed that ther e is more litter fall in Pinus wallichiana as compared to Cedrus deodara . e P . wallichiana has greater decay rate .. How to pronounce pinus wallichiana | How to say pinus wallichiana in English? Pronunciation of pinus wallichiana with 5 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 2 translations and more for pinus wallichiana.. Morphology, anatomy and vasculature of leaves in Pinus (Pinaceae) and .. Pinus wallichiana, short shoot leaves. Typical short shoots of Pinus wallichiana have 5 needle leaves, which are about 10 cm long. They have a pointed leaf tip. In cross sections they are triangular (Fig. 1 C). The epidermis is covered by a cuticula. A hypodermis with thickened cell walls is developed. The mesophyll is monomorphic.. Diversity, Molecular Phylogeny, and Bioactive Potential of Fungal .. In this study, we investigated the diversity of fungal endophytes associated with Pinus wallichiana from the Western Himalayas, with emphasis on comparison of endophytic communities harbored by the stem and needle tissues of the host and their antimicrobial potential. A total number of 130 isolates, comprising of 38 different genera, were recovered from 210 fragments of the plant. Among the .. Pinus wallichiana Zabrina - Landscape Plants | Oregon State University. Conifer, evergreen tree, fast growing, upright. Needles variegated, barred (zebra-like) with cream-yellow bands, about 2.5 cm from the tip, otherwise green and gold. Striking in winter. Hardy to USDA Zone 5 Raised in France in 1874. Silverton, Oregon: The Oregon Garden, Conifer Garden. Click image to enlarge.. Pinus wallichiana Nana | Nana Dwarf Himalayan Pine | plant lust. Pinus wallichiana Nana: A moderate growing evergreen conifer tree with blue foliage. To grow well, it prefers sun and regular water. Grows best in well-drained and average soil. In need of something verticillium wilt resistant? This may be a good option. CHARACTERISTICS Plant type: conifer tree Plant family: #Pinaceae Foliage: evergreen blue Mature size: 10 FT - 15 FT - wide, 10 FT - 15 FT .
Biomass allocation and nitrogen distribution of Pinus wallichiana .. Similar sort of findings has also been reported by Ahmad et al. (2013) in Pinus Wallichiana. Contrary to these findings Jackson et al. (2007) observed increase in total nitrogen content .. (PDF) Root-associated fungi of Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jackson in .. Moreover, the presence of non-mycorrhizal fungus, Xenopolyscytalum pinea, in the present study is consistent with the previous report of Tyub et al. (2018) about Pinus wallichiana in Kashmir .. Pinus wallichiana Conifer | Bhutan Pine Trees For Sale. Pinus wallichiana is an attractive, pyramid forming conifer with unique drooping, long thin green pines that drape over branches like silk tassles. Its soft evergreen foliage and form make a very interesting year round feature. Small cones are produced in November adding another element of interest.. Drought (scPDSI) reconstruction of trans-Himalayan region of central .. A 405-year long ring-width chronology of Pinus wallichiana (Blue pine) was developed from the Dolpo area in the trans-Himalaya region of Nepal. Radial growth of P. wallichiana is limited mainly by moisture stress during the spring-summer season. The drought (scPDSI) reconstruction has identified several short to prolonged drought periods in .. Pinus wallichiana - Himalayan Blue Pine for sale - Red Panda Nursery. Like many other pine species, Himalayan White Pine trees do not grow well in heavy clay soils. Pinus wallichiana is naturally highly resistant to both Pine Shoot Moths and the White Pine Blister Rust. Himalayan White Pine showing the blue new growth. Potted 1 gallon Himalayan White Pine. A mature forest of Himalayan White Pine.. Antioxidant and phytochemical analysis of volatile oil and extracts of .. Pinus wallichiana commonly called Blue pine or Kail, is evergreen coniferous tree native to Himalaya, grows in mountains at altitudes of 1800-4300m. it yields superior timber and especially used as joinery wood. The wood yields oleoresin (by tapping) which by distillation furnishes turpentine and rosin. It is a source of numerous valuable bye .. PDF Effect of Altitude on Total Carbon Stock of Coniferous Forest (Pinus .. Pinus wallichiana forest occurs in the Himalayas at between 1800 and 3600 m and sometimes rarely up to 4400 m in elevation (Jackson, 1994). Although it is a strongly light-demanding tree species, it can also grow in moderate shade. It is one of the important tree species used in afforestation projects at higher elevations in Nepal.. Pušis - Vikipedija. Pušis (Pinus) - pušainių (Pinopsida) klasės pušinių (Pinaceae) šeimos medžių gentis. Priklauso apie 110 augalų rūšių. Paplitus Eurazijoje, Šiaurės Afrikoje, Šiaurės Amerikoje, didžiausia rūšių įvairovė šiauriniame pusrutulyje, vidutinių platumų klimato regione. Lietuvoje yra auginama 10, o savaime auga 1 rūšis: Paprastoji pušis (Pinus sylvestris).. Сосна гімалайська — Вікіпедія. Pinus wallichiana var. parva K. C. Sahni Pinus wallichiana var. wallichiana Сосна гімалайська [1] ( Pinus wallichiana ) — це гірський вид сосни роду сосна родини соснових .. List of Pinus species - Wikipedia. Pinus, the pines, is a genus of approximately 111 extant tree and shrub species. The genus is currently split into two subgenera: subgenus Pinus (hard pines), and subgenus Strobus (soft pines).Each of the subgenera have been further divided into sections based on chloroplast DNA sequencing and whole plastid genomic analysis. Older classifications split the genus into three subgenera .. Pino del Himalaya, Pino llorón - Pinus wallichiana - INFOJARDIN. - Nombre científico o latino: Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jacks. - Nombre común o vulgar: Pino del Himalaya, Pino llorón. - Sinónimos: Pinus excelsa, Pinus griffithii. - Familia: Pinaceae. - Origen: Su área original se extiende por el Himalaya, desde Afganistán hasta Buthan. .. A winter temperature reconstruction for the Lidder Valley, Kashmir .. A regional, 175 year long, tree-ring width chronology (spanning 1840-2014 C.E.) was developed for Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jacks. (Himalayan Blue pine) from the Lidder Valley, Kashmir, Northwest Himalaya. Simple and seasonal correlation analysis (SEASCORR) with monthly climate records demonstrates a significant direct positive relationship of tree growth with winter temperature. A linear .. (PDF) Regeneration of Pinus wallichiana AB Jackson in a trans .. Pinus wallichiana is Betula utilis is a moderately sized (<20 m tall), broadleaved, pioneer tree species native to the Himalayas and is found at elevations of 2700-4500 m asl (Tiwari et al. 2017b. The best pine trees - 11 choices for yards of all sizes - Homes & Gardens. Pinus wallichiana (Image credit: John Martin / Alamy Stock Photo) Hardiness: USDA 5-8 ; Height: 40ft ; Spread: 26ft; The Himalayan white or Bhutan pine, P. wallichiana, is a tall and broad tree, with very attractive, long, silky needles and very large cones. It makes a real statement in bigger landscapes - you might spot it in arboretums and .. Pinus wallichiana (Himalayan Blue Pine) - Practical Plants. The Himalayan blue pine succeeds in exposed positions but it looks much better when grown in a sheltered position [16] [17]. It is a very fast growing tree when young, with new shoots up to 1metre long per year [16] and 30 year old trees 20 metres tall. New growth takes place from April to mid-July [19].. Zebrina Himalayan Pine - Pinus wallichiana Zebrina - PNW Plants. Zebrina Himalayan Pine features attractive bands of creamy-yellow variegation on the long, blueish-silver needles. Also known as Zabrina Bhutan Pine. Morphology: This is a slow growing dwarf Himalayan Pine that grows to 6 in height after 10 years. The literature states that at full maturity it could grow to a height of 30 and a spread of .. Bryodiversity on Pinus Wallichiana L. Trees in Nainital, Kumaun .. Abstract and Figures. In Kumaun Himalaya, the temperate, evergreen blue pine forest (Pinus wallichiana L.) provides congenial environment for the growth and luxuriance of mosses and liverworts .. Pinus wallichiana Frosty Variegated Himalayan Pine. This Item: Pinus wallichiana Frosty Variegated Himalayan Pine. $50.00. Choose Options. Description. n upright evergreen conifer with a broad canopy. Long green needles have cream-yellow banding. Long cones are particularly attractive in winter. Additional Information.. (PDF) Potential cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of Pinus wallichiana .. The Pinus wallichiana, Daphne oleiodes and Bidens chinensis have a long history of being used traditionally for treatment of various types of disorders. Most of the uses have been without any .. Quantifying: Genetic Traits in Pinus wallichiana Seedlings in the .. These species include Pinus wallichiana (blue pine), Pinus gerardiana (Chilgoza pine), Abies pindrow (fir), and Picea smithiana (spruce) . The blue pine, a large evergreen tree, is widely distributed throughout the Himalayan region. In the country of Bhutan, the growth of this particular entity occurs at an elevation of 3400 m.a.s.l. [2, 3 ..